The Physics Department of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) is one of the oldest and important parts of this university. Physics, a principal discipline of science dealing with energy and matter, started its journey in 1965. Physics is situated on the first floor of the Administrative Building of RUET with an enriched laboratory facility for both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The department serves basic course and sessional of physics to the apprentice engineer of B.Sc. level. The department has appeared as a playground of science for the fresher engineers at their initial study and achieved the dignity of nostalgic place. Research-based postgraduate degrees (M.Sc., M.Phil. & Ph.D.) are offered for the student at the physics department. The faculty members and students are doing great research at various fields of physics such as Solid State Physics, Materials Science, Superconductivity, Electronics, Photonics, Nuclear Physics, Human Machine Interfacing, Biomedical Engineering, Embedded System, Thin Films, Condensed Matter Physics, Nano-materials, Materials Characterization, Spintronics, etc.